Interview With Roberto Tostado, MD, Author of “wtf* is wrong with our health?”!

dr tostado and book.pngPeople generally become doctors because they want to save lives. They want to help people. But what if a doctor didn’t feel he was truly making a difference? What if he didn’t believe he was helping people? Take Roberto Tostado, MD, a physician of nearly 30 years, entrepreneur, and author of wtf* is wrong with our health? *what the food: A Rebel Physician’s Manifesto for Reversing Disease and Read the rest

Interview With Angelo Ellerbee, PR Guru & Author of “The Sense of Success”!

Ang Sweater2Public relations expert Angelo Ellerbee recently visited So Booking Cool in support of his new book The Sense of Success and candle line, Scent of Success, both of which champion the omnipresent phrase: I’m living my best life. “The acceptance of you is success. The movement of you is success. You have to find it in yourself. And sometimes you need to be instructed about how to find the sense … Read the rest

Interview With Megan Devine, Author of “It’s OK That You’re Not OK”!

Megan Devine heashot

How does one successfully write a book that deals with grief? For psychotherapist and author Megan Devine, the answer is understanding the distinction between early grief and later grief. “There are a lot of great grief books out there that talk about rebuilding your life; that’s a fantastic conversation to have, but not three weeks after your person died…know to which part of life you are speaking, if you … Read the rest